Upcoming Webinar: Funding Solar for Nonprofits

Funding Solar for Nonprofits

When: April 28th at 12:30pm ET

Hosted by: Page Gravely and Robert Quist

Solar installations offer nonprofit organizations ample opportunity to reduce their energy costs predictably and potentially create income. This savings and income can be redirected to the organization’s mission-related activities serving their communities. But how can those projects be paid for? Can they can be funded in full without the need for the nonprofit’s own limited capital resources? Yes. No. Maybe. Solar funding options are directly impacted by many variables, including the State your properties are located in and the utility serving your properties.

Mission Energy is providing this webinar as a tutorial to educate nonprofit organizations on:
1) how on-site solar typically provides economic benefits to nonprofit properties;
2) the primary options for funding solar installations; and
3) financial pros and cons to consider for each of the funding options.

Upon registration, Mission Energy will email you the Zoom link for the webinar:


Nature: Partial shading by solar panels delays bloom, increases floral abundance during the late-season for pollinators in a dryland, agrivoltaic ecosystem


The Nonprofit Times: Loan fund launched for nonprofits’ green building upgrades